Saturday, September 25, 2010

It has been a long time, I know.
I have missed writing and hearing from those of you who respond.
You might then ask, 'Well why have you not posted then?'
I could give you a lot of reasons, chief of which would of course be that I have been busy. True of course, but not the whole truth.
The whole truth goes beyond one concrete reason. It is a nebulous blur of semi-conscious reasons ranging from not knowing what to write, being apprehensive about the end of internship that was looming ever close, and being truly overwhelmed by the unknown future lying ahead.
Have you ever faced a time in life like that? Where certainty of anything lies just beyond your grasp.
For me that feeling began around June. The close of my time in Southwestern Minnesota was less than three months away, and any thoughts of the future seemed slightly debilitating. Something had to give. that something turned out to be the conscious processing of my time as an intern that writing this blog required.
Now as I look back on it, I plan on going back and reviewing that time with you.
It ended very much as it began. Full of warmth, support, and knowledge that God had surely placed me there for that time. It was a wonderful experience, and one that I will always be grateful for having.
I now look toward the future, slightly more than anxious to learn where God will place me for my first call. I invite you to join me on that journey as well.
And I ask that you forgive the lapse of communication!
For now, be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Tina,
    Well as always you continue to be an inspiration to all. You show us how to push on during trial and how to be reflective afterward to see Gods guidance and unconditional love! You are a witness to us all of how to strive to live a Godly life!
    Love you,
