Monday, April 27, 2009

The Reason Behind

I had this brilliant idea (well truth be told a few people gave me the idea) that I should start a blog so that people can keep track of my internship year.  This made great sense since I know there are so many people out there rooting for me, praying for me, and supporting me who want to know what I am doing.  
So I set up the blog, choosing the site, the name, the subject, and the layout.  Then I let it sit for about a month.  So many reasons, so many excuses.  All true, all valid.  Yet the truth behind it was that I just did not know what to write.  What does one write in a blog?  What do people want to read?  And most importantly what is my purpose in writing it?  Is it an outlet for my own thoughts?  A way to catch people up on the random thoughts I have had, or the small occurrences of my life?  Is it a way to reach people with the message of Christ?  The more I questioned myself, the less sure I became about any of it.  So I just let it sit.  
Life of course has a way of going on, ready or not.  I found myself being overwhelmed by Life.  Some major things happening, a lot of stuff to do, and just the everyday grind began to fold in on me.  I found myself thinking, 'I could write about this,' more and more frequently.   Soon I realized that the answer to all of those questions was yes.  So like me.  There is no one purpose, no one reason, no one concrete, easily identifiable thing that I was attempting to do.  Instead there is only the 'feeling' that I should do this.  There is the drive to be faithful to God and what He is doing in my life.  There is the desire to help other people in their walk, to share with them what I am doing and how, in the hopes that it finds a way into their life that aides them in some way.  
So if you are reading this, welcome.  Grab ahold of something and hold on, because there will be no rhyme or reason for my entries, other than for some reason I felt compelled to share.  I hope that it provides you with something tat will make you think, make you feel, laugh, cry, and above all will help you in your journey with God in this life.
Blessings to you!